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“Stay Fit While You Sit: Gentle Exercises for Seniors at All Levels”

Jul 2, 2024 | Exercise, Health Information

Physical exercise is as important, if not more so, as we age than when we are young. As we age, we tend to become more sedimentary. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to chronic pain and make many of the common symptoms of neuropathy worse.

The older we get, the less active we are. Our bodies can’t do what they used to do. So, we need to exercise.

It helps with circulation, strength, and balance among other things. But strenuous exercise can be hard on the body for older people or people who are recuperating. One solution is Chair Exercise.

Chair exercises are an excellent way to build strength and improve flexibility without putting too much strain on your body. Chair exercises also improve senior mobility by increasing blood flow and lubricating your joints.

There are many good reasons to exercise while seated. Here are just a few:

1. No equipment to buy. Pretty much everyone has access to a chair already.

2. Anyone can start on a chair. Chair-based exercise is great for participants who have not exercised for an extended period or for those who are coming back from injury and may be unsure on their feet.

3. Little to no impact. Less impact means it’s easier on the knees & hips. Chair exercise is an excellent option because there is no weight or pressure pushing down on your joints. Less pressure on the knees and joints also reduces the risk of further injury or associated pain.

4. Great for people with vertigo or balance issues. Sitting on a chair is the safest way to exercise, especially for older adults with balance issues, because it removes the risk of a fall.

5. Adaptable to any fitness level. You can make your workout as hard or as easy as you need to. Whatever your fitness levels, you can adapt the exercise to what you can do.

Here are some recommended exercises for you to begin with:

Chair Exercises: Group exercise

Seated shoulder press: Work on arm muscles by sitting in a comfortable chair and raising your arms above your head. To kick it up a notch, hold a bottle of water or can of vegetables in each hand for weight resistance.

Shoulder rolls: As you sit in your chair, shrug your shoulders up toward the ears. Slowly rotate them to the front, down, back, and up again. Change the direction, rotating to the back.

Bicep curls: With arms at a 90-degree angle, raise and lower the forearm

Sitting to standing: Just like it sounds, sit and stand to build leg muscles by using your own body weight.

Seated calf raises: With feet flat on the floor, lift heels off the ground and repeat.

Chair Exercises: Knee Extensions Knee Extensions: Sit on the edge of a chair. Bend your knees and hold onto the armrest or the edges of the chair for support. Lift and extend the right calf in a line from the chair-seat. Ensure the toes point to the ceiling. The knee should bend slightly, but not lock. Now extend the left calf as you did the right.

Knee Lifts: Slowly lift the right knee toward the chest, then return it to the starting position. Do the same for the left knee.

Tummy twists: With both hands, hold a small object in your lap, keeping your elbows bent. Twist from side to side while keeping the object in front of your body.

Neck turns: Sit comfortably in a chair and rotate your head from left to right until a gentle stretch is felt. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

Seated backbend: While seated, place hands on your hips. Slowly arch your back inward while keeping spine straight, then lean backward using only the upper body.

As with any exercise program, do this on a gradient. Start with easy things you can do. Just pick out a few of the exercises. Pick one for your legs, one for your arms, one for your tummy and one for the neck and shoulders. Repeat each of these exercises 5 times per sitting. Begin with exercising 2 or 3 days a week.

As you become more comfortable doing these, move up to 10 times per sitting. Then add in a few more exercises into your routine. And start doing them every other day or even daily.

If you are feeling adventurous or would like a guided exercise program, check with your local Senior Center to see what they offer. Or go to Google.com or YouTube.com and search for “Chair Exercises” or “Chair Exercises for Seniors” and you’ll find plenty of video workouts.

How ever you decide to start exercising the important thing is that you START. The longer you put it off the harder it becomes.

“When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no ‘I’ll start tomorrow’. Tomorrow is a disease.” – V.L. Allineare, pen name for author Terri A. Woodhull




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