The Problem – Prostate Health
Prostate health is something that affects every part of a man’s life.
Men over 40 tend to have a variety of health worries, especially regarding prostate health. These concerns, like urine flow, prostate function and size, tend to affect every part of a man’s life.
A healthy prostate means that you don’t have to experience frequent urination, which obviously can interrupt your lifestyle and more importantly, your sleep. For Men 40+ daily supplement targets areas of masculine concern and is expressly formulated to support male health.
Benefits of For Men 40+:
Supports Healthy Prostate Function
Bladder and urinary tract health
Supports improved sex drive
Helps support normal testosterone levels
Supports the body’s natural inflammation response
The Solution – Importance of Prostate Health
Prostate health is something that affects every part of a man’s life.
Having a healthy prostate means that you don’t have to experience frequent urination, which can interrupt your life and more importantly, your sleep.
The Prostate Support Formula supplies you with seven nutrients designed to give you prostate health.
If your doctor recommends that you start taking a natural daily supplement to help support the health of your prostate, or if you are already taking one, get For Men 40+ with all of the specifically targeted ingredients in one unique and comprehensive formula!
RHP® For Men 40+ Ingredient & Supplement Facts
Phytosterols (standardized to 45% beta-sitosterols) – Beta-sitosterol is one of many sterols that come from plants (phytosterols) and have a structure like the cholesterol produced in the body. You can find phytosterols in many plants and thus in foods such as rice bran, wheat germ, corn oils, soybeans, and peanuts. Beta-sitosterol is also available as a dietary supplement.
How beta-sitosterol works may be related to cholesterol metabolism. It may also support the body’s natural inflammation response and so should be considered as part of a great daily supplement.
Turmeric Extract (standardized to 95% curcuminoids) – Turmeric, a shrub related to ginger, is grown throughout India, other parts of Asia, and Africa. Known for its warm, bitter taste and golden color, turmeric is commonly used in fabric dyes and foods such as curry powders, mustards, and cheeses.
It has so many beneficial properties, that currently there have been 6,235 peer-reviewed articles published that talk about the benefits of turmeric and one of its renowned healing compounds, curcumin.
Turmeric supports the body’s natural inflammation response and should be part of everyone’s daily supplements.
Boswellia Extract (Standardized to 40% boswellic acids) – Boswellia is a large branching tree native to India, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. The trunk is tapped for its resin, which is purified and used in herbal preparations.
This resin, or gum, also contains the primary active components, boswellic acids, used in modern herbal preparations.
Boswellia also supports the body’s natural inflammation response, which is why you’ll see this ingredient in our daily supplements.
Saw Palmetto Extract (Standardized to 25% total fatty acids) – Saw palmetto is a palm-like plant with berries. The berries were a staple food and medicine for the Native Americans of the southeastern United States. In the early 1900s, men used the berries to support urinary tract health and healthy sperm production levels.
Pygeum Bark – Pygeum comes from the bark of the special evergreen tree called Prunus africana that grows in mountainous regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. The herb might have been known among natives of southern Africa — having used it to support the bladder and urinary tract — as early as the 1700s.
Zinc – Researchers have uncovered data revealing that the trace mineral zinc plays an active role in maintaining prostate health. In fact, prostate cells accumulate more zinc than cells in any other human tissue.
Zinc supplementation appears to offer important benefits to aging men for general health, the immune system, and the prostate gland, making zinc an important ingredient for prostate supplements.
Vitamin K2 – Vitamin K2, particularly menaquinone-7 (MK-7), has been the subject of much research because it stays active in your body longer, so you are able to benefit from much lower levels.
Vitamin K2 is another key nutrient that supports the body’s natural inflammation response and makes a great daily supplement.
Its biological role is to help move calcium into the proper areas in your body, such as your bones and teeth. It also plays a role in removing calcium from areas where it shouldn’t be, such as in your arteries and soft tissues.
Real Health Products is so sure about the effectiveness of the RHP® For Men 40+, that we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee on your initial order. A bottle containing 120 capsules is now $32.20.
Order your RHP® For Men 40+ today and experience the prostate health and a healthy immune system you are seeking today!
Clinical Research & References
Ingredient Studies†
Bonnar-Pizzomo, R. M., Littman, A. J., Kestin, M., & White, E. (2006). Saw palmetto supplement use and prostate cancer risk [Abstract]. Nutrition and Cancer, 551, 21-27. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16965237
Saw palmetto: Uses, dosage, and side effects – Medical News Today
Effects of A Saw Palmetto Herbal Blend in Men with Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Improving BPH symptoms and sexual dysfunctions with a saw palmetto preparation? Results from a pilot trial https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ptr.4696
Saw Palmetto induces growth arrest and apoptosis of androgen-dependent prostate cancer LNCaP cells via inactivation of STAT 3 and androgen receptor signaling https://www.spandidos-publications.com/ijo/31/3/593
More Information about Beta-Sitosterol
More Information about Turmeric
More Information about Boswellia
More Information about Saw Palmetto
More Information about Pygeum Bark
More Information about Vitamin K2
† These studies are for the individual ingredients in the RHP® For Men 40+.
These studies are provided for information only.
Real Health Products is not making any claims for the RHP® For Men 40+ as a result of the information in these studies.