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Glossary of Terms

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thiamine – (Tiamine) See vitamin B1.

thrombosis – A blockage preventing the flow of blood in the body caused by a clot.

thyroid – (thyroid gland) A gland in the throat that releases different hormones for the purpose of regulating the metabolism of the body.

thyroid hormone – A name referring to two hormones that are made by the Thyroid gland. These hormones increase the metabolism rate and are essential in the creation of new cells in the body.

tissue – A group of connected cells in the body that are similar to each other and have the same purpose. Some examples are skin tissue, lung tissue or muscle tissue.

tolazamide – (sold under the brand name – Tolinase) – One of a class of drugs (sulfonylureas) that are given by doctors that force the pancreas to create more insulin than it would naturally be able to create.

tolbutamide – (sold under the brand name – Orinase) – One of a class of drugs (sulfonylureas) that are given by doctors that force the pancreas to create more insulin than it would naturally be able to create.

tolinase – (Brand name for Tolazamide) – One of a class of drugs (sulfonylureas) that are given by doctors that force the pancreas to create more insulin than it would naturally be able to create.

tone – The firmness of tissue in the body such as muscle or skin.

trace element – Simple chemical substances in very tiny amounts.

tract – Connected tubes and organs in the body of a person or an animal that have a particular purpose.

triglycerides – A natural fat that can be found in body tissues or circulating in the blood. They make up a large portion of the stored body fat in most people and animals. It’s normal use by the body is to be turned into energy.

It is believed by the medical field that having a high level of triglycerides in the blood can lead to or be a sign of hardening of the arteries.

Triterenoids – An organic chemical found in Pitika root and other herbs that blocks the body from absorbing sugar.

type 1 diabetes – A chronic condition in which the body stops producing insulin or produces too little insulin to regulate blood glucose level.

Type 1 Diabetes comprises about 10% of total cases of diabetes in the United States.

Type 1 Diabetes is typically recognized in childhood.

Type 1 Diabetes can occur due to destruction of the pancreas by alcohol, disease, or failure of cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin.

People with type 1 diabetes generally require daily insulin treatment to sustain life.

type 2 diabetes – A chronic condition in which the pancreas still produces insulin, but the body is partially or completely unable to use the insulin. The body tries to overcome this resistance by producing more and more insulin.

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ulcer – An open sore on or in the body. It can be located on the skin, in the stomach, in the mouth or in other areas of the body. They usually occur in the following pattern:

1. Weakness of the area. This can be because of a lack of nutrition that weakens the cells or because the area gets hit, rubbed roughly or damaged in some way.

2. Infection.

3. Delayed healing of injury.

USP – (United States Pharmacopeia) 1. A set of rules and guidelines for the productions of chemical substances, and quality control tests for them, used in the United States.

2. A label associated with chemical vitamins that means that they meet the USP guidelines of purity. These are the standard vitamins that you find on the shelf in stores that are all man made chemical forms of vitamins.

utilization – [In regard to vitamins or nutrients] The act of the body using a nutrient or material as part of its natural functions.

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vanadium – A nutrient that is only needed in very small amounts by the body. It reduces the production of Cholesterol and has the ability to function in the body like insulin.

vascular – Relating to the tubes that carry blood or liquids in animals and plants.

vitamin – A natural substance that is necessary for the growth and good health of the body. Vitamins are found in most foods. They can be separated from foods in a concentrated chemical form, but in this form they are not as effective.

A substance can only be classified as a vitamin if it can be proven to be needed by the body in its natural functions, and cause illness when the body is deficient in this substance.

Most vitamins cannot be made by the body but have to be absorbed by the body from food.

vitamin A – (also called Retinol) A fat-soluble vitamin found in some vegetables, fish, milk, and eggs, important for vision. Vitamin A is important to the health of the outer layer of cells in the skin and organs.

vitamin B1 – (also called Thiamine) A water-soluble vitamin found in beans, grains, liver, eggs and fish. It plays an important part of the process that turns carbohydrates and fat into energy.

Without it, the cells of the body would be unable to copy their genetic material and wouldn’t be able to divide. It is also necessary in the nerves in order to transmit nerve signals properly.

vitamin B2 – (also called Riboflavin) A water-soluble vitamin that is found in animal meat, dairy products and green leafy vegetables. It is necessary for the break down of fat, helps the body use iron, boosts the immune system and allows the eye to adjust to different amounts of light.

vitamin B3 – (also called Niacin) A water-soluble vitamin found in meat, eggs, milk and certain vegetables. It is necessary for proper central nervous system function, creation of energy in the body and the removal of toxic substances from the body.

vitamin B5 – (also called Pantothenic Acid) A water-soluble vitamin found in meat, nuts, liver, whole grains, egg yolk and green vegetables. It is vital for making cholesterol, red blood cells and certain brain chemicals. The body also uses it in turning fats and carbohydrates into energy.

vitamin B6 – (also called Pyridoxine) A water-soluble vitamin found in almost all foods but especially: brewer’s yeast, carrots, chicken, meat, eggs and fish. It is used in the creation of amino acids in the body and is involved in turning them into proteins. It also plays a role in releasing the sugar stored in muscle tissue for use by the cells for energy. It is used in many chemical reactions in the body that are necessary to the body’s activity.

vitamin B7 – (also called Biotin) A vitamin found in egg yolk, barley, liver, and yeast that is used in cell growth, the production of essential fatty acids and in the use of fats for energy.

vitamin B9 – (also called Folic Acid) A water-soluble vitamin found in brewer’s yeast, liver, green leafy vegetables and roots. This vitamin is vital in the creation of new cells in the body. It is needed for the cell to make copies of genetic material.

vitamin B12 – (Cobalamin) A water-soluble vitamin found in organ meats like the liver, kidney or heart, and oysters. It is also found in small amounts in other seafood and egg yolks. This vitamin plays a vital role in the formation of the lining around the nerves. It is also needed for the proper function of nerve cells and the formation of blood. This vitamin is needed for the creation of new cells in the body. It additionally promotes the growth of nerve cells and regeneration of damaged nerve cells.

vitamin C – (also called Ascorbic Acid) A water-soluble vitamin found in fruits and leafy vegetables. It boosts the immune system, helps to heal wounds, and promotes a healthy heart. It is vital in many functions of the body.

vitamin D – (also called Calciferol) A fat-soluble vitamin that occurs in fish oils and eggs. It is essential for the formation of bones and teeth.

vitamin E – A fat-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in preventing cellular injury associated with premature aging, inflammation and infection. It is an anti-oxidant

vitamin K – A fat-soluble vitamin essential for blood clotting. It also plays a part in proper bone growth and the proper transport of calcium throughout the body.

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water-soluble – [In reference to vitamins] Vitamins that dissolve in water but not in fat and so can’t be stored by the body in the fat tissue. Any amount of these types of vitamins not immediately used by the body are usually thrown away and released in the urine.

white kidney bean – a medium-sized, white, oval bean with a thin skin and mild flavor. When eaten it can block the process of turning starch into sugar.

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X, Y, Z

xylitol – a naturally occurring sweetener found in the fibers of many fruits and vegetables. Used as a substitute for refined sugar.

yeast – A type of fungus which is used in making alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, and for making bread swell and become light. They usually feed on sugar and release alcohol, carbon dioxide or other things depending on the type of yeast.

zinc – A metal that in specific forms is a nutrient used by the body for many chemical processes. It is essential for making protein in the body, for strengthening the outer walls of the body’s cells, healing wounds, and many other things.

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