You have been diagnosed with neuropathy. Now what?
We suggest you do the following 5 steps as soon as you possibly can. The quicker you get started the faster you can start turning things around.
There is a tremendous amount of information about it on the internet. Search for Neuropathy on your favorite search engine and read a few articles. You can also download The Neuropathy Handbook at
2) Find the cause of your neuropathy.
Your doctor should be able to tell you what is causing the problem. If he doesn’t know, then here are some of the main causes of neuropathy:
b. Certain Prescription Medications – Most prescription medications come with a long list of side effects and many include the symptoms of neuropathy. Blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication, pain relievers (even those commonly used for neuropathy) can cause nerve damage.
c. Carbs, Sugar and Alcohol – Carbs, sugar and alcohol can all be very damaging to the nerves. Getting rid of them is one of the first steps to improving your health.
d. Chemotherapy & Radiation – Chemotherapy and radiation can damage nerves while attacking the cancer, which can cause neuropathy.
e. Accident and Operations – Injuries or operations can physically damage nerves and can develop into neuropathy.
3) Watch what you eat!
b. Cutting out sugary treats and beverages is very important, as they are very damaging to the nerves. There are many natural sugar free substitutes which are quite tasty and healthy. Avoid artificial sweeteners as they can do more harm than good.
c. Limiting or eliminating alcohol from your life.
It doesn’t have to be strenuous, but you need to get some exercise every day. Walking, bicycling, rebounding or any other exercise you can handle is fine. The internet is loaded with good suggestions for exercises you can do while sitting and watching TV if that is what it is going to take to get you moving. Immobility is extremely detrimental to your health.
If you have, or suspect you have neuropathy, then you need to get started on these 5 steps.
Something can be done to improve the quality of your life. The staff of Real Health Products have many years of experience working with our customers individually, providing information, recommendations and support for a healthier you. Call us today!